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DO you get bored while on a long distance flights? Your time does not pass easily on flight? Your exciting trips starts with a boring long distance travel? 

Here is some of the things you must do on flight so that you don’t get bored and can have fun to reach the long distances. On your next flight,try out these things to have fun.

1. Read a book


People who love to read might consider this as the best place to read. While you are on a flight you are free from every type of distraction and you can fully concentrate. One gets totally engrossed in a book during the flight because of the peaceful atmosphere. This is the best thing one can do on a flight.

2. Get some sleep


While most of the people find reading a book too boring, they prefer sleeping. You might feel uncomfortable sleeping for long on a flight but for some people sleeping is best way to pass time on a flight.

Must read: 5 Survival Tips for Flying Internationally With Kids

3. Watch a movie

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Watching a movie can distract you for 2-3 hours. You might not get a personal screen on a domestic flight but you can carry your laptops, iPads or other handheld devices.

4. Go online and browse


You won’t be able access the internet when you are on a flight but many flights have “In Flight Wi-Fi” which makes it easy for you to browse the web, connect with your family and friends. So basically you’re tweeting or uploading a facebook status or even posting a picture on Instagram from 35000 feet. WOW!

Recommended : Don’t Look Like a Tourist! How to Travel

5. Interact with your seat mate


Socializing on a flight? YES! It’s the best time you can socialize with people from different countries or maybe from your own country but different city. If you are flying to a foreign country or a different city and luckily your seat mate belongs to that very particular city or country or even has been there then you can ask him/her to assist you with the “Do’s , Must Do’s and Don’ts”.

6. Relax yourself with a drink


Well, people say it’s not advisable to drink alcohol while flying but one drink harmed anyone. So pick your malt and enjoy the ride.

Interesting: 7 Horrible Things Your Fellow Travelers Are Probably Doing

7. Walk around

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There’s no rule against walking in an airplane. You’d definitely want to stretch your legs in a long flight.

8. Listen to music


Everyone these days have upgraded gadgets probably an iPad or an iPod. Plug in your headphones, think about the places you are going to visit, think about the good times you are going to have.

Hopefully, these tips can make your trips comfortable instead of making it boring initially itself when you have booked the very cheapest flight to amazing place and you are excite to visit the place.